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Hong Kong


스크린샷 2024-09-11 오전 11.40.05.png


The 9th GwangHwaMun

Intl. Space-out Competition


活動日期 :10月5日(星期六) 三時-五時

截止日期 :9月25日(星期三) 下午五時

公佈日期 :9月27日(星期五) 下午五時
*最終入選名單會於駐香港韓國文化院網站,Instagram, Facebook上公佈, 及於9月27日與入選者聯絡.



- 不設年齡限制(參賽者需要有適當自理能力)

- 可以個人參賽或組隊(最多3人)參賽

- 歡迎任何國籍人士參與




<Open Recruitment>

Event Date:5th October (Sat) 3:00-5:00pm

Application Deadline : 25th September (Wed) 5pm

Announcement Date : 27th September (Fri) 5pm

* The list of the final will be announced through Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong website, Instagram and Facebook and will contact on 27 Sep to the list members.

Admission Fee : Free

Enroll Criteria:

- No age limitation

(Candidates are required to have certain self-care ability)

- Individual or team (up to 3 players) are allowed to participate.

- All nationality welcome


Application page:

*Application page will only operate during the application period. Applicants who cannot complete the information submission within the time period will be seen as unsuccessful enrollment.

Space-out Competition homepage:


<Important Notice>

• Only one entry per person/team is allowed, duplicated application will be disqualified without further notice.

• For applicants aged above 18, you must apply for your own participation online. Application through 3rd party or applying for others shall be disqualified. Applicants aged under 18 shall grant permission from their official guardian and can be applied themselves or with the help of their official guardian.

• All participants shall be able to attend "International Space-out Competition 2024 Hong Kong" on 5th October. Finalists who cannot attend the competition will be seen as forfeiting their participation.

• Please be advised that photographs and videos will be taken at the event for archival and promotional purposes. By entering this event, you consent to Korean Cultural Center photographing and using your images and likeness. If you do not wish to have us using your image, please notify our staff.

• Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong and Woopsyang Company reserve the right to make the final decision on all application details, selection process and final participant list.

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